Recipe Library

Cocoa Cupcakes with Mint Mascarpone Crème October 07 2014

Although still rich and delicious, these cupcakes are made lighter with a very simple mascarpone crème in place of a heavy, sugary frosting. You can have your cake and eat it too, and trust us, you'll want to savor this one!

Angel Food Cake with Grapefruit Curd April 12 2014

If you live in Arizona, chances are you still have an abundance of fragrant citrus that you're wondering what do to with. How about a divinely refreshing Grapefruit Angel Food Cake? 

grapefruit sugar

Almond Cake with Meyer Lemon Botanical Syrup March 16 2014

The recipe for this incredibly moist cake is an Almond Cake made with our Meyer Lemon Aromatic Finishing Sugar.