Recipe Library

"Merry Citrus" Meyer Lemon Curd December 09 2016

Here in Arizona, we are lucky enough to have some of the best citrus around, and one of our favorite things to make are citrus curds! For this recipe, we used some excellent Meyer Lemons from McClendon's Select to feature at "The Handmade Holidays" Farmers' Market series. Enjoy!

Grapefruit Green Tea May 31 2016

This is our unique take on a refreshing sweet tea. We love to pair citrus with green tea, especially our Ruby Grapefruit and Mandarin Dragon Well Aromatic Finishing Sugars, but the combinations and possibilities are endless, so don't be afraid to play around with it.

Sweet Orange Ricotta Tart — From our friends at Hamptons Lane December 18 2015

This recipe by Hamptons Lane perfectly showcases three excellent ways to use our sugar all in one exquisite recipe.

Sweet Dog Botanical Beverage November 17 2014

One of the first cocktails made with our Ruby Grapefruit Aromatic Finishing Sugar, this botanical beverage exhibits a refreshing burst of sweet citrus.

Angel Food Cake with Grapefruit Curd April 12 2014

If you live in Arizona, chances are you still have an abundance of fragrant citrus that you're wondering what do to with. How about a divinely refreshing Grapefruit Angel Food Cake? 

grapefruit sugar